What is conversion?

What is conversion

Generally speaking, conversion is simply the percentage of total users on a website divided by the number of visitors who perform targeted actions on the website. This could be a registration, a purchase or a comment.

Calculating the conversion is very simple, use the following formula:

(XXX / UUU) * 100%

In this case:

  1. XXX is the number of actions performed on the portal.
  2. UUU is the number of users who visited the site during one day.

For example, 11 people have applied for 24 hours, and a total of 670 visitors to the site. That is to say

(11 / 670) * 100% = 1,64

  1.64% is the conversion rate. This is one of the main indicators in marketing. This figure demonstrates all the features of the work and shows the weaknesses that are worth improving.

What is conversion

What is the difference between conversion rate and CTR?

Many marketers confuse these concepts, so we need to take a closer look. As far as conversion is concerned, there is already an understanding of this. If we talk about CTR, it is a measure of clickability, that is, the ratio of the number of impressions to the number of clicks.

For example, a banner was viewed by 500 people, of whom 100 clicked on it. So 100/500*100 will be the CTR.

How do you increase the conversion rate?

It is a good conversion rate which shows the effectiveness of the work done. But how do you increase the effectiveness? In fact, there are a lot of methods, but we need to highlight only the main ones:

  1. The CA is very difficult to get interested in. You need to show them that the content is unique and that the collaboration will be beneficial.
  2. You need to work on the material frequently, to improve and update it. The client should have the most useful information about the company’s products or services.
  3. A modern website design attracts attention. But you need to control everything, you should not use too bright media materials which will prevent you from accessing the products. It is best that the interface is as simple and clear as possible.
  4. Another good option is automatic personalisation. This way the customer can find exactly what they need.
  5. Reputation is one of the main indicators for increasing conversions. Any customer will act more confident if they are loyal to the products.
  6. Feedback. There needs to be constant communication with the customer, and a wide variety of opportunities should be provided for this.
  7. SEO optimization of the material. You need to take care of the keys and pay attention to the content as a whole.