5 scandalous advertising campaigns

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Advertising campaigns play an important role in promoting brands and products. However, sometimes the desire to attract consumers’ attention goes beyond what is acceptable, which leads to scandals and public outrage. In this article, we will look at the five most scandalous advertising campaigns, their causes and consequences.

Pepsi Advertising with Kendall Jenner

In 2017, Pepsi released an advertisement featuring model Kendall Jenner, in which she joins a street demonstration and hands a police officer a Pepsi can, which instantly resolves the conflict. The advertisement caused a storm of criticism for trivializing social movements and protests. The public perceived it as disrespect for real problems, which led to the company’s apology and withdrawal of the video. This advertising stunt did not cause as much outrage as the online Casino Madnix ad, which we will discuss in more detail.

Dove ad featuring skin color changes

Dove, known for its natural beauty campaigns, faced accusations of racism in 2017. The ad showed a black woman turning white after using the product. Despite the company’s claims that they wanted to show that the product was suitable for all skin types, the ad caused a storm of indignation and was quickly removed.

Benetton “Unhate” ad

In 2011, Benetton launched the “Unhate” campaign, which included photo montages of kissing world leaders, including the Pope and an imam. The campaign was intended to demonstrate tolerance and love, but it caused outrage, especially from the Vatican, which sued the company. The campaign was quickly discontinued, but not before attracting a lot of attention.

Controversial Advertising Campaigns

Burger King’s “Women Belong in the Kitchen” Ad

On International Women’s Day 2021, Burger King UK tweeted the statement “Women Belong in the Kitchen,” which was then explained in subsequent tweets as an initiative to increase the number of female chefs. However, the initial tweet was met with outrage and accusations of sexism. The company eventually apologised and deleted the post.

Controversial Casino Ads

Casino advertising campaigns often come under scrutiny and criticism due to their association with gambling. One notable example is the Casino Madnix ad, which used images of famous people and celebrities without their consent. This led to a wave of lawsuits and public censure. Not only did the controversial casino ads violate the rights of celebrities, they also encouraged gambling among vulnerable groups, leading to additional regulatory restrictions for the industry.

Controversial advertising campaigns demonstrate how easily the line between creativity and offence can be crossed. It is important that companies carefully consider their campaigns, taking into account cultural and social contexts, as well as potential audience reactions. Case studies like these serve as reminders of the need for careful planning and an ethical approach to advertising.